All companies incorporated in Singapore must be registered with the Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and abide by the Companies Act.

ingapore company registration made easy. Singapore has a unique position in the global economy and a pivotal role as a business epicenter in the heart of Asia.
Singapore is the financial hub of Asia Pacific. Singapore provides developed infrastructure, political stability, open business policies, a skilled workforce and ease to do business.
One of the easiest SME’s choice is to incorporate Private Limited companies in Singapore.
Individuals can incorporate a private limited company in Singapore with 100% foreign ownership as well.
All companies incorporated in Singapore must be registered with the Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and abide by the Companies Act.
A person or a corporate entity can become a shareholder either by subscribing for shares in the company or by purchasing the company’s share, at least one corporate or individual shareholding is required. A director and shareholder can be the same person.
Resident Directors:
Singapore Private Limited Company must have at least one director who is “ordinarily” a resident in Singapore. “ Ordinary resident” means a Singapore citizen, OR a Singapore permanent resident. The director must be at least 18 years of age, and must not be bankrupt or convicted for any criminal malpractice in the past.
Company Secretary:
All Singapore companies must appoint a competent Company Secretary whose main responsibility is to ensure compliances. The Company Secretary should be a natural person who is “ordinarily” resident in Singapore. Singapore Companies Act requires companies to appoint a Company Secretary within six months of their incorporation.
Share Capital/Paid-up Capital:
The minimum paid-up capital for incorporating a company is S$1 or its equivalent in any currency.
Registered Address:
Companies must have a registered office to which all notices and official documents may be sent and at which the company is to keep the various registers that it is required to maintain under the law. Every company registered in Singapore is required to have a registered office address. The registered address must be a physical address and cannot be a PO Box.